# Prof. Suad Sadig Badri Seminar on how to write an appealing cover letter?https://youtu.be/iR6nf5-npsY |
(Bachelor of Electrical Engineering, Master of Environmental Studies, PhD of Energy Geography/College of Arts/Khartoum Univerity, Nile Basin Studies Fellowship: University of Bergen, Norway / Hubert Humphrey Fellowship: University of California, Davis / Post-doctoral studies: Center for Energy, Petroleum and Minerals Law and Policy Studies - University of Dundee - United Kingdom./ Post-doctoral studies: Institute of Federal Studies - University of Friborg - Switzerland.) |
# Prof. Allam Elnour Ahmed  |
Allam completed his Ph.D. in Economics in two years at Edinburgh Napier University, UK. He obtained his MSc/MBA from the Royal Agricultural University, UK and awarded the RAU Scholarship and Prestigious Book Prize for Best MSc/MBA Dissertation. He is a Fellow and Chartered Marketer of the Chartered Institute of Marketing, UK. He is also the recipient of several international Awards and Medals for contribution to International scientific Research and listed in the WHO’S WHO IN THE WORLD 2009-2019, WHO’S WHO IN FINANCE and BUSINESS 2009/2010 and WHO’S WHO IN AMERICA 2012-2014 published by Marquis Who’s Who, USA. Allam is a Professor of Knowledge Management and Sustainable Development and Co-Director of the Centre of Islamic Finance, Law and Communities (CIFLAC) at the Royal Docks School of Business and Law, UK. Founding Director of the Middle Eastern Knowledge Economy Institute (MEKEI), UK. He spent 15 years (2004-2019) at the Science Policy Research Unit – SPRU, University of Sussex, UK, where he established and led the postgraduate programme MSc International Management. Read more: https://www.allamahmed.org/whos-aa/profile/ |
# Professor Dr. Elsadig Musa Ahmed  |
https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Elsadig_Ahmed Dr.Elsadig Musa Ahmed is Professor of Economics and Technology Management at Multimedia University (MMU) Senate member, MMU Students’ disciplinary committee and Board of Postgraduates, Coordinator for Post Graduate programs of the Faculty of Business (March 2006-April 2014), Chairperson of Center for Globalization and Sustainability Research (CGSR) (March2009-April2014), Multimedia University (MMU), Melaka Campus, Malaysia, member of Research and Development, research grants panel and the Institute of Postgraduate Studies (IPS) Coordination Committee (ICC) MMU. He is currently teaching Advanced Research Methodology, Entrepreneurship and Commercialization, and Economics for Managers at the postgraduate level and economic subjects at the undergraduate level.His research interests include development economics, productivity analysis, knowledge-based economy, productivity and environment (green productivity), Bioeconomy, Islamic finance and microfinance, economic growth, (environment, tourism) and Entrepreneurship. He is the author of the book entitled (Green Productivity: Applications in Malaysia’s Manufacturing) in 2012. He has published more than 100 publications in international refereed journals and presented several papers at conferences. He supervised and produced 12 Ph.D., 4DBA, 3 Masters, and 8 MBA Theses. Currently, supervises several students at Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Master of Philosophy (MPhil) and MBA project, undergraduate final levels. In terms of research grants he received 5 external projects in ICT and Economic Growth, Foreign Direct Investment Spillover Effects from the Malaysian government, and Mobile Banking for Microfinance from the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB), Jeddah KSA. He examined several Ph.D. theses from Malaysian Universities, Indian Universities, and other countries. I have been appointed as auditor, assessor, and editorial board member for several programmes, journals, conferences, and professorial positions. He has been appointed as a panel review of the Malaysian Ministry of Education research grants and reviewer for the IsDB proposals for postdoctoral and Ph.D. scholarships. In terms and training he conducted several workshops and public lectures not limited to writing research grants proposals, postgraduate thesis writing, Writing scientific papers for publishing in Scopus and WoS indexed journals, leadership, and performance analysis appraisal in Malaysia, KSA, and Sudan. He is a member of The Council for Sudanese Experts and Scientists Abroad, World Economics Association, World Assembly of Youth (WAY), Arab Science and Technology Foundation (ASTF), World Academy of Sciences, Engineering and Technology (WASET), Scientific and Technical Committee on Humanities and Social Sciences and several associations. He is a reviewer and an expert of the second Millennium Ecosystem Assessment report "Biodiversity and Human Well–being: A Synthesis Report for the Convention on Biological Diversity, 2005" He is an editorial board member and reviewer for various international journals and conferences such as (Economic Modelling, Journal of Productivity Analysis, Applied Economics, Journal of Information and Knowledge Management, Telecommunications Policy). He awarded the best paper award at XXth Conference of CEDIMS, Laval University, Quebec, Canada in November 2010, and the academic staff and excellent research awards of Multimedia University several times. |
# Prof. Abdulbasit Adam Maryood Previous workshop presented by Prof. Abdalbasit https://youtu.be/8wfS3myPmaA?list=PLdMmRsA5Z0k_M72v-o2tIyIxT74g6ZCO6 |
Research fellowship at the Institute of Biological Sciences, Princely University of Malaysia 2008-2010 / Visiting Professor at the Indonesian Institute of Sciences by UNESCO and TWAS 2010-2013 / Chosen among the best researchers in the world in 2011 in the encyclopedia WHO IS WHO / Scopus click here Author ID: 1057869 h-index: 22 Citations: 1441 / ResearchGate click here RG Score: 36.13 h-index: 24 Citations: 2489 / Google Scholar click here https://scholar.google.com/ i10-index: 66 h-index: 31 Citations: 3070 / https://www.mendeley.com Views 71305 h-index 24 Citations: 1699 / Thomson Reuter ResearchID: / ORCID click here https://orcid.org https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3237-7948 / https://www.pubfacts.com / ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3237-7948 / Research: member of 20 Research (international, regional and local) Projects / Reviewer of 75 International Refereed Journals / Publications: 212 articles published in International Refereed Journals, chapters and books and 24 in International conference / Editorial Board Member of Nine international Journals / Patent: 4 Patents / Books: 8 Books / Radio Programs: 4 Radio programs / Membership of Professional Bodies: Member of 4 Scientific Societies. / Honors: 8 Medals in Research and Academic Excellence, 10 Research grants. |
# Dr. Eyas Jaafer Abdulraheem Previous workshop presented by Dr.Eyas https://youtu.be/p8Dgm1jiq3A?list=PLdMmRsA5Z0k-cSDbTRBgNXrE7ihtZ6fzP |
Associate Professor at Shaqra University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Specialist in economics and quantitative analysis, dr.eyas.gaffar@gmail.com |
# Prof. Shareef Fadul  |
Professor, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Khartoum, Founder and President of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEEE Sudan Chapter https://www.facebook.com/groups/IEEESUDANINITIATIVE , Africa Tech City Manager https://www.facebook.com/AfricaCityOfTechnology |
# Dr. Shahinaz Abdulrahman Osman Bashir Previous workshop presented by Dr.Shahinaz (The transformation into E-learning in Sudan between the challenges of the present and the aspirations of the future) https://youtu.be/U8MB8Mg5NyU |
Associate professor of Education Technology, Bachelor of education - Chemistry department- and Master of Educational sciences from Sudan University of Science and Technology, P.hd of Educational Technology Al- zaim Al-azhary University.Worked as a teacher at the ministry of education for 9 years and then worked as a lecturer at King Khalid University for five years, and as an associate professor at Shagra university Saudi Arabia, awarded a prize of excellence in academic and management work from Shaqra University and a prize of hour of code contribution from Microsoft and Saudi minister of education. Certified Microsoft innovative educator and master trainer, certified trainer from Google and the leader of Google Educator Group Sudan, certified leader from the British council and a member of international training board, Chair of professional learning network at the International society of technology in education (ISTE), and a member of (ACTE) Association of Communications and Technology in education, member of the Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSD). Her previous publication focused on teaching and learning technologies, STEM in education, Google apps, Surrounding web, E-games fighting extremism and social media - in well-known journals indexed as ISI , EBESCO and with a quite good impact factor. LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-shahinaz-abdelrahman , ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Shahinaz_Osman , Google trainer: https://edudirectory.withgoogle.com/ |
# Dr. Nadir Musa Khalil Abuzaid  |
Associate Professor and Senior Consultant in Medical Microbiology. A graduate of the Swedish Institute, I obtained a grant from Guestscholarship linkoping University / SAS through the Swedish Institute. Currently, I work at Omdurman Islamic University, Faculty of Medical Laboratory Sciences. I have held more than 35 workshops in the graphpadprism program in different universities and supervised many master’s and doctoral students in Sudanese universities and participated in many international and regional conferences Author of a book in the field of pulmonary tuberculosis, followed by lambert Germany publisher and publisher of many scientific papers, and we won as Sudanese researchers first by researching corona disease and the second with allergic disease at the League of Arab States, and also received financial support from the Ekhag foundation in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis in cooperation with Sweden, Egypt, Arzuena and Britain for research A joint serviced by the health system, a member of the American Society of Medical Microbiology, a member of the Egyptian Society of Microbiology, a member of the Dutch Fungi Society Isham, a master’s degree at the University of Khartoum and a high diploma, Sudan University of Science and Technology, I study in the graduate program and Sudan University of Science and Technology, University of Niles, Gezira, Shendi, Nyala, Sudan International and National, Lux No, Al-Razi, the International University of Africa, the University of Science and Medical Sciences... You can review the Research gate or Google scholar or education. Or... Orcid academic |
# Dr. Mohammad Hassan Taha Previous presented workshops (A series of seminars on Medical Education and E-learning) https://youtu.be/XfKprZcnBUo?list=PLdMmRsA5Z0k-ueseoSirkwKTXwqmbuQnt |
Dr Mohammad Hassan Taha MBBS, PG Dip, MSc (HPE), PhD / Dr Mohammad Hassan Taha is a visiting Assistant Professor of Medical Education at Medical Education Centre and the College of Medicine, University of Sharjah. and he is ahead of Faculty Development Committee at Medical Education Centre. He also works as a facilitator at the Master program of Health Professions Education at Gezira University, Sudan. He is working as a consultant in many under and postgraduate medical curricula in the region (EMRO region). / Publications and research interest: Curriculum development, Teaching & learning, students and residents learning environment, and residency training. |
# Dr. Yassin Ibrahim  |
Assistant Professor / Department of Community Medicine / Faculty of Medicine, University of Tabuk, KSA / MBBS Programme / Saudi Board for Preventive Medicine (SBPM) – Certified Trainer |
# Dr. Neimat Allah Elfatih Ehaimer  |
PhD in Econometrics - Osaka University - Japan / I worked as an assistant professor at the School of Administrative Sciences, University of Khartoum / She is currently working as an expert in economic affairs - United Nations Conference on Trade and Development - Geneva |
# Dr. Najat Yahya Babiker  |
Assistant Professor / College of Business Administration, Princess Nourah Bint Abdul Rahman University / Quality trainer and internal auditor |
Dr.Muna Elsadig Mohamed Ahmed Elsheikh  |
Princess Nourah Bint Abdul Rahman University, Assistant Professor, College of Computer and Information , Quality Committee Member |
# Dr. Sara Abdulwahab Qurashi  |
Princess Nourah Bint Abdul Rahman University, Assistant Professor, College of Computer and Information , Quality Committee Member |
# Dr. Anwar Fathelrahman Ahmed Dafallah  |
Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Researcher in Information Security and Privacy, Founder of the Sudanese Researchers Group / Wikipedia page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Anwarking / https://sites.google.com/view/anwaratted/ |