Sudanese Researchers Scholarships Guide V2 المرشد للمنح الأكاديمية

دليل المنح الدراسية للباحثين السودانيين v.2 (أبريل 2024)

"دليل المنح الدراسية للباحثين السودانيين" هو مورد شامل مصمم لدعم الطلاب السودانيين في سعيهم للحصول على منح دراسية للتعليم العالي حول العالم. يقدم هذا الإصدار الثاني من الدليل معلومات محدثة ومفصلة عن فرص المنح الدراسية المختلفة، ومتطلبات القبول، وعمليات التقديم.

يسعدنا أن نقدم الإصدار الثاني من "دليل المنح الدراسية للباحثين السودانيين". هدفنا هو دعم الطلاب السودانيين في رحلتهم الأكاديمية نحو الحصول على المنح الدراسية وتحقيق أحلامهم التعليمية. هذا الإصدار هو نتيجة لجهد كبير وتفانٍ من فريق من الباحثين والمتخصصين الذين عملوا بلا كلل لتوفير أدق وأحدث المعلومات حول فرص المنح الدراسية المتاحة حول العالم.

Sudanese Researchers’ Scholarships Guide v.2 (April 2024)

The "Sudanese Researchers’ Scholarships Guide" is a comprehensive resource designed to support Sudanese students in their quest to secure scholarships for higher education around the world. This second edition of the guide offers updated and detailed information on various scholarship opportunities, admission requirements, and application processes.

We are pleased to present the second edition of the "Sudanese Researchers’ Scholarships Guide." Our aim is to support Sudanese students in their academic journey towards securing scholarships and achieving their educational dreams. This edition is the result of significant effort and dedication by a team of researchers and specialists who have worked tirelessly to provide the most accurate and up-to-date information on available scholarship opportunities around the world.

To view or download the file click on the following link:


The management of the Sudanese Researchers Foundation extends its gratitude to all those who contributed to the writing of this scholarships guide, particularly the students who have previously received scholarships. They have shared their valuable information and pioneering academic experiences with us. Their contributions have enriched this guide, making it a reliable reference and an inspiring resource for our dear students who aspire to a bright academic future.


This edition contains updated and comprehensive information on various types of scholarships, admission requirements, and how to professionally prepare applications. We hope this guide will be a valuable tool in helping you achieve your academic and career ambitions.

With best regards,

The Team of the Sudanese Researchers Foundation

June 2024

Facebook Page: [SRF Scholarships Facebook Page](

SRF Website: [Sudanese Researchers](


Sudanese Researchers Foundation


2024-06-29 - First online date, Posted date

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